May 2Liked by Kim C Dickerson, MS

^ What Kelsey said!

And I’m adding: What a sweet, beautiful piece of writing. I identify with you, Kim, and with others who grew up with barely enough. And with the shame, self doubt, and the hyper-independence common to children who only partially have their needs met.

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Thank you! I’m pretty certain I became an adult before I even got to experience/embrace being a child. Zero stars. Don’t recommend.

Thank goodness for therapy! Sending “be kind to yourself” healing vibes. 🙏

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(((Basking in the positive vibes)))

Connecting with others who share a common past, who asked for help, and thus began a healing journey is itself healing. Thanks, Kim :)

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Apr 11Liked by Kim C Dickerson, MS

This is a great description of this process, Kim. Thank you for sharing your story and thank you for doing the work!

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